NE 520th Road Knob Noster Missouri 64093


“Trophy Bucks and December ducks” is what your hunting friends and family will call this place after experiencing one hunting season! 80 acres of bottomland hardwoods close to the Blackwater river. 11 acres of cropland and two, 4 acre wetlands along the south side of the north 40 acre tract next to the road. Old dirt road exists in the middle of the 2, 40 acre parcels. Old Blackwater river channel runs through the property, with many side sloughs that hold water during wet seasons. Many small wetlands throughout the property. The property has many small pipes/tubes that allow draining and filling of small wetland sloughs/pools surrounded by pin oaks, hickory, hackberry, red oak, white oak, elm, walnut, cottonwood, osage orange (hedge), and paw paws, just to name a few of the woody species. An excellent deer, turkey, and waterfowl hunting area. Easily floods when the Blackwater river overflows its banks. Many deer, turkey, and waterfowl have been harvested over the years by current owners and their friends. Current cropland is cash rented annually by a reputable local farmer, on a year by year basis. A Redneck composite deer stand sitting 10 feet off the ground with stand will come with the property. Another older wooden deer stand is on the north 40 acres that will stay.

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Price: $400,000
Address:NE 550th Road
City:Knob Noster
County:Johnson, MO
Zip Code:65336
Lot Square Feet:80 acres

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